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To run locally, you need to install NodeJS and Yarn. Locally installing Volta is recommended, since it will make sure to use the correct versions of NodeJS and Yarn.

To develop locally, run yarn to install dependencies, then

  • yarn start to build the library in watch mode and start the storybook instance
  • yarn start:docs to work on the documentation page. You might need to run yarn build first. If you just want to edit documentation pages, you can also just directly edit the markdown files.
  • yarn verify to run the linter, tests and build the library

When proposing a new change, please document the changes and whether they are breaking or not by running yarn changeset prior to committing.

Before proposing your changes, please check if you those of the following steps which make sense in the scope of your change have been completed:

  • Changes to the usage of the library are documented in the Docs Pages
  • Potential visual features are reproducible in a Storybook story
  • Unit Tests verifying the changes have been implemented
  • Linter and Unit Tests run successfully

Feel free to reach out at any time during your contribution process if you have any questions or need help.