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Proxy Item Instances

Proxy Item Instances are an advanced concept, and is only required if you handle a large number of items that is loaded in at the same time. Usually this happens in situations where also virtualization is employed. It is suggested to only use this feature if you already notice a performance impact of memory usage with the default implementation.

Whenever Headless Tree reacts to changes in the tree structure, e.g. items are expanded or collapsed, or the tree structure is mutated (or more specifically, whenever tree.rebuildTree() is called), an item instance object is created for every item that is part of the tree. This object will contain a reference to every tree item function of every feature that is included in the tree. Both the instantiation of the item and keeping it in memory is generally a trivial overhead, but with many hundreds or thousands or millions of items, this can still cause a noticable memory usage.

The instantiation of tree items is a configurable method, that can be defined with the instanceBuilder option. This defaults to the buildStaticInstance method exposed by Headless Tree, which creates a new static object with all the tree item functions resolved inside.

An alternative is the buildProxiedInstance method, which creates a proxy object that will only resolve individual tree item functions when they are actually called. This reduces memory, since now every item is only a very thin proxy object, and all feature-related functions are only maintained in memory once instead of n times.

import {
} from "@headless-tree/core";
const tree = useTree({
// ...remaining tree options
instanceBuilder: buildProxiedInstance,

This will already do everything needed to use proxy instances instead of the default static instances. The most notable difference is, that now function references in item instances are not stable anymore:

const item = tree.getItemInstance("some-id");

item.getId === item.getId; // This will be true with static instances, but false with proxied instances

The results of executing those methods will of course not be affected. Don't confuse this with the behavior of the Prop Memoization Feature, which will memoize the props of the tree item functions, i.e. the results of calling the item.getProps() method, which is not related to this topic.