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Sync Data Loader

Data interface for synchronous data sources

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Importimport { sync-data-loaderFeature } from "@headless-tree/core
Type DocumentationConfigurationStateTree InstanceItem Instance

When using Headless Tree, you need to provide an interface to read your data. The most straight-forward way to do this is using the Sync Data Loader Feature. Alternatively, you can use the Async Data Loader Feature if you are dealing with asynchronous data sources. In both cases, you need to include the respective feature explicitly.

When using the Sync Data Loader Feature, you need to provide a dataLoader property in your tree config which implements the SyncTreeDataLoader interface.

const tree = useTree<ItemPayload>({
rootItemId: "root-item",
getItemName: (item) => item.getItemData().itemName,
isItemFolder: (item) => item.isFolder,
dataLoader: {
getItem: (itemId) => myDataStructure[itemId],
getChildren: (itemId) => myDataStructure[itemId].childrenIds,
features: [ syncDataLoaderFeature ],

Note that Headless Tree may call getItem and getChildren multiple times for the same item, and also during each render. Therefore, you should make sure that these functions are fast and do not perform any expensive operations.

Asynchronous data providers on the other hand provide caching out of the box, and only call those functions once per item until their data are explicitly invalidated. If your data source provides an synchronous, yet expensive interface, you can still use the Async Data Loader instead.