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Async Data Loader

Data interface for asynchronous data sources

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Importimport { async-data-loaderFeature } from "@headless-tree/core
Type DocumentationConfigurationStateTree InstanceItem Instance

The Async Data Loader is an alternative to the Sync Data Loader that allows you to define your data interface in an asynchronous manner. If you want to use it, you need to use the asyncDataLoaderFeature instead of the syncDataLoaderFeature in your tree config.

const tree = useTree<ItemPayload>({
rootItemId: "root",
getItemName: (item) => item.getItemData().name,
isItemFolder: () => item.getItemData().isFolder,
createLoadingItemData: () => "Loading...",
asyncDataLoader: {
getItem: async (itemId) => await dataSources.getItem(itemId)
getChildren: (itemId) => dataSources.getChildren(itemId),
features: [ asyncDataLoaderFeature ],

Loading Items

The Async Data Loader provides functionality for marking items as "loading" and displaying them as such. While item data is loading through the getItem function, it is considered "loading" and is intended to be displayed as such. The same goes for an items children, while their IDs are being fetched through the getChildren function.

The Async Data Loader defines a state for loading items: state.loadingItems keeps an array of item IDs which are currently loading. For a given item, you can check if it is loading by calling item.isLoading().

When an item is loading, its item data will be set to the value returned by config.createLoadingItemData. This way, you can customize how loading items are displayed.

Invalidating Item Data

While the Sync Data Loader does not provide a data invalidation concept since it refetches all data during every render anyway, the Async Data Loader caches item data and does not refetch it unless it is invalidated. Methods for invalidating certain items are provided both on the tree instance...



...and on the item instance:



The data loader will then refetch the respective data the next render.