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Dragging in or out of tree

With the createOnDropHandler method, it is fairly easy to set up drag-and-drop to allow users to drag items within a tree. With some additional effort, it is also possible to implement the ability to drag items out of the tree, optionally removing them from the tree on the drop event, or dragging foreign objects from outside into the tree, inserting them as newly created tree items.

This can also be combined to make the tree interact with other instances of Headless Tree on the same page or different locations in the application.

Headless Tree introduces a concept called foreign drag objects, which are is data that can be transferred using the DataTransfer Browser API to attach information to drag events. Dragging data from outside the tree inside works by attaching your data to the drag event, and letting Headless Tree know how to interpret whether it can handle this data as a tree item, and how.

Similarly, dragging data out works by letting Headless Tree know how to attach selected items into the drag event, and then handling the drag event elsewhere in your app.

Dragging tree items out of tree

The gist of allowing users to drag tree items out of the tree, is to just implement the createForeignDragObject method in the tree config. When users will start dragging items, this will be called with the items to attach arbitrary information to the dataTransfer object of the drag event, that you can then handle elsewhere.

Optionally, you can also implement the onCompleteForeignDrop to handle the event that the user has dropped the item outside of the tree. If a drop target has accepted the dropped data, this method will be called, making it easy to handle the finalization of the drag within Headless Tree, e.g. by removing the items that where dragged out of the tree. This can easily be achieved using the removeItemsFromParents(movedItems, onChangeChildren) method introduced in the previous guide.

Dragging foreign objects inside of tree

Allowing users to drag data into the tree from outside consists of two steps:

  • Implement the canDropForeignDragObject method in the tree config, to determine whether the tree can handle the data that is being dragged. It will be called on every viable drop target location with the dataTransfer object of the drag event and the target drop location, and should return a boolean indicating whether the data can be dropped there.
  • Implement the onDropForeignDragObject method in the tree config, to handle the drop event when the user has dropped the data. This method will be called with the dataTransfer object of the drag event and the target drop location.

The onDropForeignDragObject method can be used to create new tree items from the data that was dragged in. Again, the previously introduced insertItemsAtTarget method can be used to insert items at the target location after you created them based on the data from the dataTransfer object.

In the sample below, the onDropForeignDragObject method is implemented to create a single new tree item, and then insert it at the target location with the insertItemsAtTarget method.

Interactions between multiple instances of Headless Tree

The concepts introduced above can be combined to allow interactions between multiple instances of Headless Tree. The following sample demonstrates how to set up two trees that can interact with each other, allowing users to drag items from one tree to the other.