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Headless Tree uses an extensive unit test suite for ensuring stable behavior. You can run all tests in the repo with yarn test in the root folder.

This is the basic anatomy of a unit test suite for a Headless Tree Feature:

import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { TestTree } from "../../test-utils/test-tree";
import { selectionFeature } from "../selection/feature";

const factory = TestTree.default({}).withFeatures(

describe("core-feature/search", () => {
factory.forSuits((tree) => {
it("should make isSelected true", () => {"x111");"x112");


When creating new features, make sure to test all variations of behavior in individual tests. You can have a look at existing suites as an orientation for how other features are being tested.

The factory created at the top creates a definition for a test tree that will be used in all tests of that suite. You can customize it in its parameter, as well as with various chained .withXXX(...) calls.

The factory.forSuits wraps a describe.for() call with several variations of trees, such as an sync dataloader tree, async dataloader tree, tree with static item builders and tree with proxified item builders.


Since Headless Tree Core is technically independent of DOM, there is also no DOM mock like jsdom loaded in the tests. All interactions is made on the tree instance directly, though generated props on items (and some other elements) can be called with either testTree.instance.getItemInstance(itemId).getProps().onClick() or

Issues with tests on async trees

The Test Tree with an async data loader doesn't automatically resolve all pending data loader promises that are created during rendering. You can force the test tree to resolve all pending promises by calling await tree.resolveAsyncVisibleItems() before making any assertions.

This is automatically done before each test for the initially rendered tree.

Visually experimenting with the tree

You can see and experiment with the tree variant that is used during tests with this storybook instance:

Debugging tests

Since unit tests are wrapped with factory.forSuits, IDEs usually do not show test-specific run- and debug-options.

You can copy an individual test to the top level and change it as follows to create a temporary standalone version of a test that can be run and debugged individually:

describe("core-feature/search", () => {
factory.forSuits((tree) => {
it("should make isSelected true", () => {"x111");"x112");



it("test", async () => {
// Replace .sync() with the suite you want to test with
const tree = await factory.suits.sync().tree.createDebugTree();"x111");"x112");
