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Custom Click Behavior

The default behavior of Headless Tree resembles the UX behavior of a VSCode Filetree: Clicking on an item will both focus it and make it the sole selection. Control-clicking will add the item to an existing selection. If the clicked item is also a folder, it will toggle its expanded-state.

This can be customized very easily by overwriting the generation of the onClick (and onDoubleClick if you want) handlers for generated props of tree items. This expands on the idea that was introduced in the Guide on Plugins by allowing you to write a small custom plugin that overwrites the behavior of other Headless Tree core features.

Expand on Double Click

In the following sample, the behavior is changed so that folders are only expanded or collapsed on double-click, and the primary action handler is also bound to double-click instead of the typical single-click.

Note that we completely overwrite the onClick handler here, so we need to re-implement the selection behavior even if it remains unchanged. We do not need to re-implement other props that are generated for tree items, since we integrate the existing functionality of other features with the prev?.() call. If we were to expand the onClick behavior instead of overwriting it, we could also expand instead of overwrite the onClick handler with prev?.()?.onClick?.(e), as is being done in the actual implementation of the selection feature.

Expand on Arrow-Click

Similar to the previous sample, in the following code snippet we completely remove the expand/collapse behavior from the onClick handler of tree items, and render dedicated arrow buttons that can be clicked to expand or collapse the tree items instead.